搜索 Starring

  • 安娜家和她最好的朋友米莱娜被邀请面试的维也纳国家芭蕾舞团,双方即将实现自己的梦想。这种机会只出现过因为一名剧团已经消失了-思想安娜试图从她的脑海。也许这悲惨的失踪原因的芭蕾舞导演成为治疗安娜这样毫不掩饰的敌意…这是够困难的安娜米莱娜是考虑到该公司而不是她,但当她的朋友严重受伤下降-和安娜被指责为它-负担难以承受。当督察马…
  •   为了赚钱读书,娜奥米·克鲁斯在汉堡市一家豪华别墅里做了六个月保姆。起初,一切进展顺利,她意外地爱上邻居塞巴斯蒂安。塞巴斯蒂安以为她就是这栋豪宅的新主人。顺水推舟,娜奥米自称系出名门。 但是,这个小谎言马上露出了破绽,娜奥米家的房子烧毁了,他们一家人全都来到了豪宅前,尽管他们竭力遮掩,假装只是偶尔过来一次,但是他们的…
  • When Anna Castell and her best friend Milena are invited to audition for the Vienna State Ballet, the two are on the verge of achieving their greatest dream.  This opportunity had appeared only beca
  • October 1961: Germany is a divided country. Two months after the construction of the Wall in Berlin, the security within the East gets tightly locked down.   For the residents of a tiny village direc