搜索 Socha

  •   新成员的加入,全新的超能力,超能少年五人行再度袭来!  上一季中,超能少年们把自己的超能力都卖了出去,而这一季,则讲述他们得到新能力后的故事。凯莉(劳伦·索恰 Lauren Socha饰)成了一个火箭专家,对于她来说这能力似乎一无是处;科蒂斯(内森·斯图尔特-贾瑞特 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett 饰)可以转换性别,这让他陷入一场奇怪的恋…
  • 在一次酒吧聚会上,吉姆(丹尼·摩根 饰)收到了女友米歇尔的分手短信,震惊之余的他获得了来自朋友亚历克斯(迈克尔·索恰 饰)衷心的“祝福”,亚历克斯祝福吉姆在30岁到来之前会失去自己的童贞。一天,他偶然遇见了美丽的姐妹露露(乔治娅·格洛梅 饰)和凯蒂(Kelly Wenham 饰),在朋友的怂恿下,他鼓起勇气上前搭讪,怎料洋相百出。然而,…
  •   Trevor is 'between jobs'. He spends his days avoiding his nagging heifer of a wife by hiding out in his allotment shed and painting figurines for his wargames with his agoraphobic friend, Graham, and dreaming of his heroic alter-ego, the…
  •   As ghost Alex adjusts to life after death with werewolf Tom and vampire Hal, we meet poisonous pensioner Captain Hatch, behind whose foul exterior lurks an ancient evil.