搜索 Katharine

  •   Sol Goode, a charismatic L.A. twenty-something, has always relied on charm, good looks, and fast talk to glide through life. But his luck may have run out; faced with eviction from his hipster apartment, totaling his car, and the threat …
  • 金吉(凯瑟琳·伊莎贝尔 Katharine Isabelle 饰)和布里吉塔(艾米莉·帕金斯 Emily Perkins 饰)是情同手足的亲姐妹,两人之间的感情非常的深厚。一天,她们刚刚结束了一场疯狂的派对,走在深夜的路上准备回家,在这个节骨眼上,一群半人半兽的怪物突然出现袭击了姐妹两人,金吉身受重伤。
  • Nicholas Gray a young, driven executive has a secret not even he knows about. As battles with a business rival threaten to crumble Nicholas' carefully planned world, Nicholas meets a charismatic drifter who challenges his life philosophy. Nicholas changes his outlook, loses everything... then decides to get it back..
  • 格雷是一位独立歌手,她幻想自己是一只狼。 当她受邀与臭名昭著的音乐制作人 Vaughn Daniels 在他位于树林中的偏远工作室合作时,她开始发现自己的真实身份。
  • 从烂摊子到凶猛豪强,这部系列纪录片探索了严苛的橄榄球教练乌尔班·梅耶在21世纪初执教佛罗里达大学短吻鳄队队传奇历程
  •   故事紧接着上一集发展。布里奇特(艾米莉·帕金斯 Emily Perkins 饰)亲眼目睹了姐姐金吉(凯瑟琳·伊莎贝尔 Katharine Isabelle 饰)变身成为狼人所经历的痛苦,心有余悸的她决定绝不步姐姐的后尘,她开始和潜伏在体内的狼人基因展开较量。  为了阻止狼人基因的发展,布里奇特不断的往体内注射着药物,因此被误会是瘾君子,而被迫关进了…
  •   When a team of scientists on the verge of a medical breakthrough are mysteriously murdered, two agents must protect the remaining survivor while trying to unravel the plot behind the assassinations.