搜索 朱尔·罗斯泰特

  • Dancing teacher Leo (Fritz Karl) knows how to get the salsa-crazy girls dance- and into bed. As he breaks the heart of a talented dancer again, his boss fires him. Now things start to get tight for Leo. At the age of forty it is not really easy to find a job, especially in his profession. The only vacant position he fi…
  • 安德里亚(戴安娜·阿姆夫特 Diana Amft 饰)是一名内衣设计师,年近30的她没有结婚,也铁定了心不打算要小孩。某日,她受到邀请前往米兰参加一个展览,在途中,安德里亚和曾经的青梅竹马格雷戈尔(亚历山大·贝叶尔 Alexander Beyer 饰)重逢了。如今的格雷戈尔早就不是当年那个青涩的男孩了,浑身上下都散发着致命的魅力,令安德里亚情难自禁…