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  •   胡八一(阮经天 饰)出国在即,整理旧物时翻出一张老照片。那时,他和胖子(刘潮 饰)正作为知青在大兴安岭的山区插队。山里的生活让年轻气盛的他们如鱼得水,为了换几斤水果糖,上山打黄皮子(黄鼠狼),为了给人治病捉熊取胆,没想到二人误入一座坍塌的黄皮子祠。传说几十年前,一伙号称 “泥 儿会”的胡匪曾从黄皮子祠挖出一口描金嵌玉的…
  •   胡八一、王胖子和大金牙被村民编造的绣花鞋的故事所骗,前往陕西古蓝县。水路艰险,胡八一挺身让众人脱险。在招待所幸遇陈瞎子提醒,得以逃脱村民圈套。三人无意掉入“龙岭迷窟”遭蝙蝠袭击,发现身上长出红斑,决定在王大爷家修整,遇到同样来找红斑根源的shirley杨,并听闻了鹧鸪哨和了尘大师寻找雮尘珠的英勇故事。几人决心寻找雮尘珠,…
  •   Bigger, better and even more Brassic. Vinnie and the gang are returning for another series of Sky’s biggest original comedy. Whether it’s heisting horses, borrowing beehives, swindling snakes or embezzling weddings, there’s no deal too …
  •   The Red Pill chronicles filmmaker Cassie Jaye's journey following the mysterious and polarizing Men's Rights Movement. The Red Pill explores today's gender war and asks the question "what is the future of gender equality?"
  •   一部以江陵为背景,讲述为了自己的利益想要霸占江陵的混混们的故事。
  •   余秀华,一个农村女性,从小患有脑瘫,在2015年成为中国最有名的诗人。她写出《穿越大半个中国去睡你》,强烈的情感与欲望引人注目。20年前,余秀华的母亲将懵懂无知的她嫁给了一个比她大十几岁的陌生男人,这段形同陌路的婚姻成为她一生的疼痛和遗憾。余秀华写诗,试图与自己的命运对话,写残缺的身体,写她对真爱的渴望。随着余秀华的成名…
  •   400 BULLETS is an edge-of-your-seat Military Action story about what it means to fight for honor instead of profit. The film packs gun battles, epic hand-to-hand fight sequences and witty dialogue into its 90 minute run time.
  •   After his parents mysteriously disappeared eight years ago, young Eric Dalaras embarks on a search for the truth and enters a frightening world. He and his sister Uma grew up with their maternal grandparents. Eric decides to leave his ho…
  •   发生在英国伦敦一个课堂里的故事。这个课程是教外国人学英语。想象一下一个课堂里有一个意大利人,一个希腊人,一个西班牙人,一个日本人,一个中国女孩,一个印度女孩,一个巴基斯坦人,一个印度锡克人,哦,还有一位法国女郎,他们的英语都不太好...
  •   After his parents mysteriously disappeared eight years ago, young Eric Dalaras embarks on a search for the truth and enters a frightening world. He and his sister Uma grew up with their maternal grandparents. Eric decides to leave his ho…