搜索 tom

  • 年近30岁但一事无成的女生萧渝(Papi酱 饰)在经历被炒鱿鱼、合租闺蜜突然宣布要抛弃她住进男友房子后,搬进了五环外一个简陋的出租屋内,这是她在这个大城市第九次搬家。迫于生计的萧渝决定去剧组看看机会,为了省钱把房子短租给了一个同样潦倒的小歌手季野(张超 饰)。可是很快萧渝又被剧组辞退,只能提前回京,可季野的租期未满,萧渝竟成了…
  • 讲述了上世纪80年代,在胡八一、王凯旋与Shirly杨即将前往美国的前夕,三人一起回到曾经下乡插队的东北参加好友燕子的婚礼。不料却意外卷入了一场生死冒险,三位摸金校尉过五狱,闯六道,最终找到幕后真凶,拯救了受害的村民们的故事。
  •   21世纪中叶,地球环境遭到巨大的破坏,人类文明和信仰不可遏止地崩塌。在一片乱象的关头,名为ROC的科技公司凭借他们研发的“朝圣者 7000”智能机器人迅速崛起。朝圣者深入民间每一个角落,帮助人们从生到死处理身边的一切事务。在两条根本原则的约束下,机器人们任劳任怨,不辞辛苦,与此同时也遭遇种种残酷无情的对待。贾克·波根(安东尼…
  • 笃信“离婚是恋爱最自然、最顺理成章的结果”的珊娜为了证明这句话,开始调查不同人群的婚姻状况,总结离婚诱因,由此引发连场闹剧,直至自己也陷入恋爱,“毁婚”规律也慢慢瓦解。影片以黑色幽默剖开性与爱、婚姻与幸福关系的神秘面相,处处是令人忍俊不禁而又发人深省的荤味笑料。
  • MST3K fodder. It's so bad it's actually worth seeing just for that reason. There are some hilarious things in it, such as the mysterious device the bad guy is seen working on for the whole movie, that turns out to be this tiny helicopter that flutters around carrying and firing a machine gun without so much as a wobble…
  • What many are saying is the most disturbing film of 2018, Watch if you Dare revolves around a series of horrifying incidents. If you press play, look away ;)</p>
  • Dr Geoff Burton takes up a position at a new institute in wintry Dresden, Germany. His contribution to a former colleague’s important project, a human regeneration gene, has the potential to make something miraculous out of a personal trag…
  •   A true indie film through and through, Elephants takes an authentic look at a modern relationship in a "slice of life" style, peeling away intimate layers to ask the question: how do you know when someone's right for you or rat…
  • FBI初级特工艾瑞克(Ryan Phillippe 饰)被总部从一件外围任务中召回,奉命监视有重大叛国嫌疑的FBI信息安全部主管罗伯特(Chris Cooper 饰),罗伯特与苏联特工周璇二十余年,但有证据表明罗伯特近几年持续出卖情报给对方。于是艾瑞克以专职助手身份监视罗伯特,随着两人的交往深入,艾瑞克感到罗伯特强硬精干的作风与和谐的家庭氛围同上司布置…
  •   Indio(吉昂·马利亚·沃隆特 Gian Maria Volonté 饰)是一个穷凶极恶的通缉犯,他伙同他的团伙屡次作案,他有一个怀表,每次大开杀戒之前都会看一看表,表上有一个女人的照片。赏金猎人Manco(克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 饰)正在追捕Indio,而另外一个赏金猎人Colonel Douglas Mortimer(李·范·克里夫 Le…