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  • 医学界的新秀:伊丽莎白. 伯恩医师, 是研究生物分子医学的菁英, 受到医疗权威沃尔顿博士的赏识, 邀请她加入研究小组, 此时正逢伯恩的母亲罹患重症, 为了帮助母亲, 她便答应加入了这个名为"普罗米修斯"的研究计画, 其目的是研究出干细胞再生血清, 让罹患绝症的人可以因此受惠, 此计画是秘密, 不为外人所知的一项医学研究团队, 每个团…
  • This is a reality show of a street dance competition launched jointly by YOUKU and Canxing Productions. Four seasons of the show have been broadcast successfully and through their model of “Guest Mentors & Professional Dancers”, skilled street dancers from around the world are invited to gather in China, making thi…