搜索 San

  • 意大利2016年票房奇迹。意大利著名喜剧演员凯科·扎罗内的作品第四部曲。38岁青年凯科·扎罗内实现了自己生活中所有的梦想:和父母一起生活避免独立生活的花销,和女朋友持续交往避免婚姻和家庭的责任,狩猎与垂钓许可办公室的铁饭碗工作避免工作风险,这些他都做到了,他的生活轻松得让人嫉妒,连老天爷也看不过眼了..</p>
  • 美丽女神偷Cat(舒淇 饰)潜入私人舞会,巧遇英俊大盗子扬(张智霖 饰)一见钟情,连手盗走红宝石。 偶然机会Cat巧遇美丽的八爪(林熙蕾 饰)在家中欢聚时被袭击,虽然连手将来敌击退,却收到交来磁盘一张,是子扬求救画面,原来子扬答应俄罗斯黑手党偷取美国最新发明“计算机病毒全能解除系统”简称K.T.V,行动失败后被黑手党绑架,俄方威胁C…
  • When the daughter of veteran 911 call center operator Pamela (Mischa Barton), and her estranged husband Jeremy (Luke Goss), a Senior Police Officer, is kidnapped and held hostage, they are left desperate, with no choice but to follow the kidnapper's rules: send messages through dispatch for all police and fire units to…
  • Only one lusted glance brings Aliya to the events throwing her into the criminal ocean. But in the wirliging of passions and turmoil when she finds herself at the verge of fatality it's only her true love that is the only rescue.Now the most important thing for Aliya is to preserve the honor and dignity and the whole w…
  • 天生下肢瘫痪的少年是个漫画人,他把自己和残疾好友作为角色画了一部漫画。故事大部分是他漫画故事里的内容:两个残疾青少年寻找活下去的理由, 和一个从前是消防队员的坚强很有男子汉气概的轮椅杀手搞在了一起。两个少年协助杀手一起完成任务,但是却有点碍手碍脚。雇佣杀手的老大决定杀了这三个人,未遂。少年和杀手一起去跟老大要钱,在和老…
  • 一把體積不大卻非常特別的手槍「嫩娃」歷史十分悠久,據說擁有這把手槍的人會遭遇一連串的衰運及不幸,而這是一個關於「嫩娃」遊走於社會低下階層的工人、放高利貸的暴徒、職業賭徒和骨牌玩家等角色的迷人故事。
  • 某天,久不谋面的老同学相约聚会聚会在教师文伯及其妻子戴戴的家中举行。小人物吴小江和老婆李楠、女强人韩笑、不出名的编剧贾迪及其新结交的富家女友娇娇相继到来。身为心理医生的戴戴的一番话,让李楠对老公吴小江看手机时鬼鬼祟祟的行为起了疑。之后在众人的提议下,他们决定玩一个游戏:所有人都把手机放在餐桌中央,期间无论哪部手机接到的…
  •   Seventeen-year-old Carlos doesn't fit in anywhere, not in his family nor with the friends he has chosen in school. But everything changes when he is invited to a mythical nightclub where he discovers the underground nightlife scene: punk…
  • THE GAME WARDEN is a surreal dark-comedy about the life of Dan, a Wildlife Officer who suffers from severe anxiety and grief after a bear attack claims the life of his son.