搜索 Oto

  •   过去若有怪兽从环太平洋现身,都会有专为击退牠们而造的巨大机甲猎人奋力反抗。但好景不常,如今澳洲遭到怪兽肆虐,全洲人类被迫疏散。泰勒和海莉这对年幼的兄妹不幸走失,著急地寻找不见踪影的父母,过程中,两人学会操控一个废弃许久的破烂机甲猎人,因而有了突破眼前难关,杀出一线生机的希望。
  •   Hugo Llor, a 12-year-old boy who spends most of his time on the streets. His day is also spent in the shipyards and his dream is to become a shipbuilding craftsman, although his fate is uncertain. Hugo's life is not easy, he is a very lo…
  •   Coming from rural Thailand, Mon moves to Bangkok to start university. On his first day in the big city, he meets Sow, a local musician, who shows him around. During a drunk night, Sow kisses Mon. Mon, confused, leaves. However, Mon quick…
  • After years together, Petr and Hana share their unspoken erotic fantasies. What begins as an innocent conversation gradually turns into curious experimentation with a non-monogamous approach to their relationship. This debut by Tomasz Wiński boldly explores various forms of intimacy and the possibilities of its depicti…
  •   16岁的曼纽尔(Manuel)生活在一个沿海小镇。他和几个最好的朋友一起组建了一个乐队并在乐队里弹奏贝斯。乐队的其中一个成员是费利佩(Felipe),曼纽尔与他从小就保持着深厚的友谊。曼纽尔正在和阿苏尔(Azul)约会,他们在热烈的情感中不断探索。但当他们第一次在一起的时候,曼纽尔却有了一些全新的认知与感受,他开始以不同的眼光看待事…
  • Amber Gray catches the attention of an elite group of students during her first semester at university. During the initiation, Amber and the York Witches' Society unintentionally awaken an ancient evil that has been waiting to finish the job it started centuries earlier.
  • BoBo&ToTo是B&T原创的自有卡通形象品牌。其正逐渐成为中国大众卡通偶像,并被情侣们视为“爱”的代言。其动画及衍生产品的精神理念——“带着爱与梦想生活”正逐渐影响着一代人。“B&T”由表示“呼吸”的“Breath”和含义为“触动”的“Touch”两个英文单词的首字母组合而来。B&T的精髓正是希望所有人能像充满朝气的少年般“自…
  • 这是一次对战争和偏见的生动描写,本片以偷袭珍珠港为历史背景,带你走进被遗忘的二战英雄——日裔美国人们的内心。
  • 《为地球而战》2015年某一天 一艘庞大的外太空飞船穿越大气层落在西太平洋.全世界媒体都证实了这一消息.一支年轻的医疗队决定加入对抗这一外来生物.当他们的直升机被枪炮击落后,小队发现他们自己被包围,并遭遇困扰,整日被噩梦打扰,最终明白这是一场超越想象的战斗.
  • 继《Biohazard生化危机》好莱坞电影版系列在全世界热卖后,眼见一般电影观众,对于这类生化危机题材科幻片,依然有著高度的兴趣与接受度,于是开创这《Biohazard》品牌的日本电玩公司CAPCOM,也决定亲自投入电影市场,并在08年推出全3D制作,最忠于电玩原作的3D动画电影《Biohazard:Degeneration(生化危机:恶化)》。 在日本三间剧院播放…