搜索 Nia

  •   When one of her students is suspected of theft, teacher Carla Nowak decides to get to the bottom of the matter. Caught between her ideals and the school system, the consequences of her actions threaten to break her.
  •   Young musicians Andy, Ian, Ciro, and Darío meet by chance at a restaurant, where they get involved in an unexpected situation: A valuable guitar has just disappeared. To recover the guitar and return it to its owner, they must put toget…
  • 洁米是一名摄影师,拥有自己的摄影工作室,她的男友艾萨克一心钻研跨越平行世界的方法,在艾萨克失踪后不久,警方发现了艾萨克的遗体,但从艾萨克失踪起,洁米就不断地看见他的身影。每次艾萨克都会告诉洁米,他找到了跨越平行世界的方法,艾萨克还恳求洁米踏上他们早已规划好的旅程,前往异国岛屿。
  •   The story focuses on the titular protagonist Tina who learns from Megi to live a self-determined life in patriarchal society after getting dumped by her boyfriend. The film was shot during the COVID-19 pandemic, which informed the proces…
  • A reporter, cameraman, and some petty thieves are stranded in a boat out on the ocean. The only thing that stands between them and their lives is a 50-foot prehistoric megalodon shark. They must all pull together to survive.
  •   近期,一部名为《Churails》的巴基斯坦网剧经历了被禁播,又在观众的愤怒下,重新上线的过程。这部10集的连续剧讲述了4个不同背景的女人,因为父权制的不公而走到一起,成立了一个秘密侦探机构“Churails”(女巫)的故事。  四名女主角,一个是曾为律师的上流社会家庭主妇,一个是势利的活动策划人,一个是十几岁的拳击手,一个是刚出狱…
  • 故事描述莱恩(吉诺亚拿尼亚 饰)的妹妹在几个月前失踪了,他认为她失踪的原因是玩了网路上流传的“电梯游戏”,传说只要照着特定步骤操作电梯,就可以前往另一个次元。为了找到妹妹,莱恩说服他的朋友们一同进行电梯游戏,此举却为他们招来无法挽回的后果……
  • 由于没钱支付录音棚的费用,一名犯罪前科的嘻哈新星冒险进行一桩毒品交易,而这有可能让他失去一切。 ​​​
  • 匈牙利导演多卡·弗默斯自编自导,讲述在巡回马戏团里干活的阿尔尼在寻求自身“与众不同”的欲望同时,又想要借助与骇人巨蟒的某种连接,这对他在马戏团中的处境好像会有帮助。
  •   1967年的夏天,突尼斯拉葛列特的旅游胜地海滩,三个17岁的女孩:Gigi,西西里人、信奉天主;Meriem,突尼斯与阿拉伯混血儿;Tina,法国犹太人。她们都想趁此夏天体验自己的第一次,作为对家人的挑战。她们的父亲Youssef、Jojo和Giuseppe彼此都是老朋友,他们的友谊因各自的女儿而遭受严峻的考验