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  •   1989年印尼西爪哇省,憤怒青年阿久四處找人挑釁較量,只為證明自己的陽剛男子氣概,藉以掩飾羞恥的性無能。直到他遇見帥氣剽悍的功夫女保鑣苡登,不打不相識的相遇,折服不只衍生愛意,亦蔓延出恐懼。一首首情歌勇於表白真心、一張張烘焙紙傾訴情意,阿久是否能回應苡登的心情,找回自己的平靜?而兩人所需克服的,還有更巨大的創傷過去………
  •   改编自文国士原著《走过爱的蛮荒:撕掉羞耻印记,与温柔同行的偏乡教师》,剧中主角定邦过往成长的伤痕都沉积在心里,感情中他也不断在被伤害跟伤害人之间往复回旋。所以李英宏诠释这个角色?  文国士是一名偏乡教师,父母都患有思觉失调症,由奶奶带大。他成长过程不时受到讥讽和辱骂,因此常有羞耻感。文国士被贴标签一辈子,但他或许迷…
  •   1974年,中国中部地区的一名农民在距离秦始皇墓地不足1英里的地方发现了一个前所未有的发现:被埋藏在地下的8000余座兵马俑。自发现以来的40年中,考古学家和学者持续对这个令人惊叹的遗迹进行研究,并发掘出很多遗迹,但一直未能真正破解谜题。这次,国家地理频道和英国广播公司(BBC)联手,纪录了陵墓考古学家新的挖掘进程,不仅为秦始皇…
  •   In South Korea, 2002, the Democratic Party put the presidential nomination to a plebiscite for the first time. Amongst numerous candidates, the one who brought about the most unexpected result was a fringe candidate named Roh Moo-hyun.  …
  •   凯莉·库柯、皮特·戴维森正在商谈主演浪漫喜剧新片[邂逅浪漫](Meet Cute,暂译)。亚历克斯·莱曼([蓝色杰伊])执导,Noga Pnueli操刀剧本。该片将是对浪漫喜剧极具创造性的解构,围绕“如果你能穿越到你所爱的人的过去,治愈他们的创伤,解决他们的问题,并把他们变成完美的伴侣,你会怎么做?”这个问题展开。
  •   "MAGICIANS follows four world-class magicians on stage and off, exploring how and why these characters so passionately dedicate their lives to the craft of illusion. Their journey takes us from the most humbling of road gigs to gran…
  •   挑战极限,永不言败——这就是体育精神。 2017年锐步越野赛纪录片
  •   这部讲述幕后故事的伪纪录片充满了笑话和即兴表演,搞笑女团Celeb Five为喜剧特辑的素材展开头脑风暴
  •   A Coming of Rage story coming to Netflix in 2022.  Three twenty somethings were turned into monsters by evil scientists against their will. Now they’re on the hunt for the mad-man responsible in hopes of reversing the side-effects… but…
  •   After living peacefully in the caverns of a small town, a stranded group of aliens turn deadly as they fight for their existence, betraying the compassionate chief of police who has protected them for 28 years.