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  • 在一个充满神奇魔法的王国里,住了一个名叫Sofia的小女孩,Sofia在村子里和她的母亲Miranda一起工作干活,过着简单快乐的生活。然而在一个命中注定的日子里,她们被国王罗伦二世召见,罗伦国王与Miranda一见钟情,于是他们很快便结了婚。而Sofia也跟着妈妈搬到了城堡,她该如何学会当一名公主呢?\r\n
  • 女孩Catherine(梁峥饰)天性反叛,天资优厚,被CIA的特工训练科看中,招至鞍下。Catherine接受的不是普通的特工训练,而是全身的改造,经过改造她成为了高科技的新人类,代号“黑猫”。从此Catherine成为CIA手中的王牌杀人工具,她的目标无一能幸免。在某项任务中,Catherine被派往香港工作,从而认识了鸟类保护区的科学主任Allen。正直善…
  • 《江苏卫视2019-2020跨年演唱会》的主题为“用奋斗点亮幸福”,于2019年12月31日腾讯视频全程直播。
  • 哈喽大家,把去年创作的视频更新过来了,希望让你们更了解我~也去了解疫情没发生的时候我的校园生活!
  • Show Me The Money第5季沿用4组制作人(共8人)形式对选手进行选拔。制作人有Team YG- Zion.T & Kush, Team AOMG- Simon Dominic & Gray, Team Illinaire- Dok2 & The Quiett, Team Gill & Mad Clown。决赛三位选手参赛,分别是Zion.T-Kush制作人队伍带领的C-Jamm,AOMG的Simon D和Gray带领的Bewhy,Do…
  • 讲述了梦想成为爵士钢琴家的男主Joe Gardner与厌世的灵魂22相遇,它们携手返回现实世界寻找生命的意义的故事。
  • 小智与皮卡丘新的冒险开始了!新的冒险舞台是自然资源丰富的阿罗拉地区。在阿罗拉地区这个四处都是蔚蓝的天空和蓝色的大海的地方,等待着小智和皮卡丘的是?新的宝可梦,新的伙伴,以及新的经历……新的冒险旅程终于拉开了帷幕!去吧!全力!大冒险!
  • This TV series tells the story of Tongyao, a female gamer whose boyfriend was "snatched" by video games. Because of her exceptional in-game performance and mysterious identity, she was invited to sign on as a professional gamer with the E-sports team ZGDX. Her being the first female professional gamer…
  • 31-year-old Lin Yang is great at her job but still lives alone. Her life is currently stable but boring. 24-year-old Lu Zheng'an, her younger childhood neighbor, suddenly returns from studying abroad and enters Lin Yang's world. Their 24-hour interaction completely changes Lin Yang's life. Wi…
  • The TV series highlights two unique occupations, firefighters and ER doctors. Together, they braved through life and death situations as they protected their one faith: to rescue those in need. Their same belief slowly brought them closer, and feelings began to develop. It is a passionate love story between two lovers …