搜索 Liam

  •   作品以最强非洲浪人武士「弥助 Yasuke」为主角,他在16世纪的战国日本为封建领主卖命,并被人称为「黑武士」。已经隐居的他为了守护拥有谜之力量的少女,下定决心再次拔刀对抗袭来的黑暗势力。
  •   在深林的深处,生活着一群无忧无虑、快乐的小精灵,他们浑身蓝色,所以叫蓝精灵。他们住在自己村子里蘑菇屋里,精灵爸爸、精灵妹妹、苯苯、乐乐等使得精灵村每天都欢声笑语。可是,在森林深处的城堡里住着一个邪恶的巫师格格巫,他整天策划着怎样找到精灵村,活捉蓝精灵们。蓝精灵们当然不会坐以待毙,他们运用自己的智慧和格格巫展开了斗争…
  •   London 1864. On a Hackney bound train, a guard discovers blood in a first class carriage - and a body on the railway embankment. For the first time, a murder has taken place on Britain's railways. Over a hundred years later, this single …
  •   The 19 years old Thomas wakes up in a hospital after three years in a coma. He doesn't remember anything. The psychologist Anna tells him that his family has been murdered and that he is the only survivor of the massacre while his sister…
  •   NBC每年跨年必出的舞台剧,前年是《音乐之乡》、去年《彼得潘》,今年则是《绿野仙踪》。全黑人班底,环球电视与太阳剧团联合制作,Queen Latifah饰演翡翠城的神秘大魔法师,Mary J. Blige饰演邪恶女巫伊凡琳。《欢乐合唱团》的Amber Riley饰演北方好女巫艾达佩乐,《女子监狱》的Uzo Aduba,饰演南方好女巫格琳达。Ne-Yo扮演铁皮人。…
  •   A cynical journalist decides to take a train from Washington, D.C. to Los Angeles for Christmas to get inspiration for a story in honor of his late father. He gets to know the other passengers and runs into an old flame while aboard.
  •   《斯巴达克斯:竞技场之神》(Spartacus: God of Arena)实际上就是《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood And Sand)的前传,在这个Batiatus家族崛起的故事中,Lucy Lawless和John Hannah成为人们关注的焦点,他们在Spartacus成为被俘的色雷斯奴隶前就已经是Batiatus家族的优胜者
  •   天文学知识空白、文学知识空白、哲学知识空白、政治学不及格--这就是歇洛克·福尔摩斯。可是,这又有什么关系?对这位世界上最伟大的私家侦探来说,能否完成缜密绝伦的推理、能否厘清最扑朔迷离的案情、能否破解最匪夷所思的案件、能否挑战最惊险刺激的冒险……这些,才是真正值得他关注并能给他带来无限快感的东西。讹诈、勒索、谋杀、离奇…
  •   故事发生在20世纪50年代的英格兰,莉迪亚(荷丽黛·格兰杰 Holliday Grainger 饰)是生活在那里的一位非常平凡的主妇,在遭到丈夫的无情抛弃后,莉迪亚无奈之下和儿子查理开始了相依为命的拮据生活。因为家庭的原因,查理在学校里饱受欺凌,母子两人生活屡屡走入绝境。  正当两人最绝望的时候,一位名为简(安娜·帕奎因 Anna Pa…
  •   For the thirteenth season, four of the six cast members from the previous season returned. Eva Marcille departed the series while NeNe Leakes departed the series for a second time. Actress and singer Drew Sidora joined the show's main ca…