搜索 Léa

  • Lóri, a free spirited and a1rac3ve teacher, leads an ero3c life of love affairs, taking charge of her own desires and needs, whilst knowingly avoiding any a1achments.
  • A Medieval Knight resurrects to fulfill his vow and bestow a blood-thirst vengeance upon the kindred spirits of those who betrayed him long ago. In the course of one night, identities will be revealed, destinies met, and a poetic justice of the macabre maniacally served. Here lies a tale of passion, loyalty, deceit, be…
  •   A DEA agent with PTSD returns home after a botched mission and must now protect his family from a home invasion after a recently freed convict and his henchmen come after their stash of millions inside of the agent's home.
  • 一个会唱秧歌的男人,无奈娶了一个不心爱的女人。心爱的女人嫁给了心狠的男人,后来离婚了。会唱秧歌的男人旧情复发,和心爱的女人私会。不心爱的女人一气之下和会唱秧歌的男人也离婚了。心爱的女人和会唱秧歌的男人结了婚。心狠的男人羞辱并毒打会唱秧歌的男人,心爱的女人一转头拍死了心狠的男人,获刑二十年。
  • 一位高中教师在与他垂死的朋友重新联系时对他的信念进行了测试。面临着失去工作,他还得找到一种方法来帮助他的学生,重新联系起他的过去,记住生活中真正重要的事情。
  • In this modern day retelling of the Sinbad myth, Adrian Sinbad is a billionaire oil shipping magnate, the headstrong descendant of a long line of great mariners. When his flagship oil tanker is hijacked by Somalian pirates, Sinbad rushes to the rescue.
  •   高二女生刘唯唯(孙伊涵 饰)在学校结识了美术老师邹野(宋宁 饰),邹野独特的气质和举止让她第一次有了怦然心动的感觉,纵使这份藏不住的懵懂情愫无法抑制,青春期少女特有的大胆和自以为是让刘唯唯沉浸在自己想象中的感情互动里无法自拔……在那一年夏天,她就像一个闪亮的发光体,无所顾忌地去做自己喜欢的事,去爱自己喜欢的人。<…
  • 在古老而遥远的欧洲大陆,有一个名为回龙镇的山地王国。这一日,老国王病入膏肓,临死前希望见儿子马拉奇一眼。忠心耿耿的武将埃里克找到了马拉奇,虽然后者始终对自幼便被父王放逐心怀芥蒂,不过在埃里克和杰森兄弟的劝说下,他最终决定返回故土。然而回到国内却发现,这里土地荒芜,庄稼干枯,民不聊生,国无希望。由于老国王已经晏驾,马拉奇…
  •   2003年布鲁塞尔欧洲电影节最佳影片奖  2002年欧洲电影奖提名“年度发现”奖  2002年洛加诺国际电影节最佳处女作影片银豹奖    介绍:彼得刚出狱回到家乡,自觉好日子又开始了。他在姊姊的洗衣店见到正在生产的玛雅。冀望靠一个孩子留住生命中某些东西的姊姊,买下玛雅生的男婴。狂野不羁的玛雅和彼得周遭的人都牵扯不清,彼得跟她终…
  • An action filled account of an Ex FBI negotiator who uses all his skills to save a jumbo jet headed for Los Angeles California from the terrorists who have placed a bomb on board.@nk2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.molikan.com&link2key=5e5a5fd783 target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.molikan.com</a>