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  •   Nilalang is about an NBI agent who teams up with an heiress to a transnational organized crime syndicate in Japan to put a stop to the centuries molikan.com old curse that may be responsible for the spate of serial killings happening in …
  •   When Owen is forced to confront the past he's been running from his whole adult life, he and his girlfriend, Isabel, become entangled in a horrifying web of lies, deceit and murder.
  •   Maira lives happily with Aiden, a doll maker and toy company owner. But Vanya, their adopted daughter and Aiden's niece, is still dealing with the loss of her birth mother. After Vanya plays Charlie's Pencil to summon her late mother, st…
  •   A group of teen girls set out to scare their reclusive new neighbor, but the prank turns to terror when some of them don't come back.
  •   饶承天(王喜 饰)是天才计算机犯罪专家,他喜欢挑战犯罪。而最近香港警察商罪科的高级督察庄展鹏(关礼杰 饰)则盯上了他,誓要将他入罪。一次,展鹏布置好一切因有承天犯罪,本以为天衣无缝一定能捉到他的把柄,岂料意外发生了一起枪击案,令一切努力都付诸东流,展鹏更是不服气。另一方面,警校毕业生家明邂逅了速递员健儿(胡杏儿 饰)…
  •   Marseille, juillet 1905. Le jeune Marcel Pagnol vient d'achever ses études primaires. Dans trois mois, il entrera au « lycée ». Trois mois... une éternité quand on a cet âge. Car voici le temps des vacances, les vraies, les grandes ! …
  •   絕世閨密,不一定是情同姊妹的女性朋友,男與女之間的昇華感情,或許較情比金堅更為穩固。 疫情反覆,阻隔了相聚機會,但分隔不了友情。多位移居內地的女藝人離港日久,思「香」情濃,主持王祖藍決定親自探望她們。跟一眾知己好友難得重逢,他更會為閨密們度身訂造「港式驚喜」,務求將思鄉之情,轉化為有笑有淚的友誼萬歲新篇!
  • 于凡是在片场跑龙套的电影替身,不仅工作充满了危险,生活还及其的不稳定。江浩文在公司上班的小职员,过着朝九晚五的生活,日复一日充满了枯燥和乏味。命运的作弄让这两个看似八竿子打不到一起的人相遇了。于凡有一位交往多年的女友名叫杜旖玲,前者将其视为终会携手步入婚姻殿堂的存在,然而,杜旖玲却并不这么想,在于凡身上,她看不到未来。…
  •   BuzzFeed News记者Kate Aurthur放出首张帕特里克·斯图尔特主演的《星际迷航:皮卡德》(StarTrek Picard,暂译)剧照。该剧将探索皮卡德人生的“下一篇章”,预计今年年底播出。
  •   The series centers on Julio Lopez, a punk-ass bitch with a heart of gold who goes out of his way to help everyone but himself. Inspired by the life and stand-up comedy of star, co-creator and real-life punk ass bitch Estrada, the cinemat…