搜索 I

  • "When participating in a technology competition, a science student, Lin Luojing, accidentally enters an XR system and is pulled into a fictionalized version of Chinese history. In order to return to the real world, she needs to find her true love and get full affection points. While living with the bossy prince, Z…
  • Vì cuộc thi khoa học và công nghệ, Lin Luojing, một cô gái trong ngành khoa học và kỹ thuật, đã vô tình xâm nhập vào hệ thống XR và du hành đến Vương triều Shengyuan trong trò chơi. Nếu muốn trở lại thế giới thực, bạn phải tì…
  • The two heroes of the police department, Luo Song and Gao Chuan, encounter a series of events as they investigate the accidental death of their master, Cheng Fenguha. After Cheng Fenghua's passing, Gao Chuan leaves the force but is still obsessed with the truth of the car crash that took his master away. A series of my…
  • Duan Yucheng, who grew up in a small fishing village in Fujian Province, dreamed of becoming a high jumper. Under the guidance of the teaching assistant Luo Na, not only did he improve his performance rapidly, but they also grew fond of each other gradually. Finally, Duan Yucheng pushed past his limits and found true l…
  • Duan Yucheng yang tumbuh besar di sebuah pulau di Fujian bernama Yucun bercita-cita menjadi atlet lompat tinggi. Di bawah arahan Luo Na, sang asisten pelatih, prestasi Duan Yucheng meningkat pesat. Selain itu, kebersamaan membuat mereka saling jatuh cinta. Pada akhirnya, Duan Yucheng membuat prestasi baru. Hubungan cin…
  • Duan Yucheng creció en un pueblo pesquero isleño de la provincia de Fujian, soñaba con convertirse en saltador de altura. Gracias a la guía paso a paso de la entrenadora asistente Luo Na, Duan Yucheng no sólo había estado mejorando los re…
  • “笼中女系列三部曲”之一,卡罗尔·杰弗里斯(被称为“杰夫”)是一个天真的美国女人,住在菲律宾。她的毒品交易商的男朋友被抓后,她也被判了十年有期徒刑。她无法忍受恶劣的环境条件和监狱里残暴的护士长,于是她说服她的队友们设法逃脱·.....
  • "Debido a la competencia de ciencia y tecnología, Lin Luojing, una estudiante de ciencia e ingeniería, ingresó accidentalmente al sistema XR y viajó a la dinastía Shengyuan en el juego. Si quieres volver al mundo real, debes encontra…
  • 第三季启程,小鸡团队(Jaki, Bekky 和Poyo)将一起环游世界!从法国的卢浮宫和埃菲尔铁塔,到悉尼大剧院和美国的自由女神像;三只小鸡又怎会错过中国的颐和园和长城,印度的泰姬陵,亦或是埃及的金字塔呢?世界名胜古迹将被它们尽收眼底,但是它们到底在哪儿,随着每集故事的展开谜底将一点点揭晓……
  • 在一个充满神奇魔法的王国里,住了一个名叫Sofia的小女孩,Sofia在村子里和她的母亲Miranda一起工作干活,过着简单快乐的生活。然而在一个命中注定的日子里,她们被国王罗伦二世召见,罗伦国王与Miranda一见钟情,于是他们很快便结了婚。而Sofia也跟着妈妈搬到了城堡,她该如何学会当一名公主呢?\r\n