搜索 Gin

  • 神奇仙子在艾菲城学院的第三学期开始了,她们必须在自己的家乡,靠着自己的力量为某人做出牺牲,得到了独特的变身能力,并成为超仙灵女(Enchantix),也就是真正的仙子。而也有新的成员那布(Nabu),和新的敌人魔陀(Valtor)。
  • 某日,仙子莱拉从达卡魔王手中逃脱,昏迷在树林边被蕾儿的神奇仙子所救,之后加入神奇仙子并跟着就读艾菲城学院。而三妖后被安置在光圣修道院进行感化教育。达卡魔王入侵光圣修道院带走三妖后并收编,命她们为自己寻找秘笈,好解放自己的力量。
  • This TV series tells the story of Tongyao, a female gamer whose boyfriend was "snatched" by video games. Because of her exceptional in-game performance and mysterious identity, she was invited to sign on as a professional gamer with the E-sports team ZGDX. Her being the first female professional gamer…
  • Duan Yucheng, who grew up in a small fishing village in Fujian Province, dreamed of becoming a high jumper. Under the guidance of the teaching assistant Luo Na, not only did he improve his performance rapidly, but they also grew fond of each other gradually. Finally, Duan Yucheng pushed past his limits and found true l…
  • 一对年轻的情侣住在一套公寓里,公寓的后院被一道木栅栏隔开。他们各自的家庭,因两人的关系产生许多矛盾和混乱的闹剧,两家人隔着栅栏互相憎恨,“罗密欧与朱丽叶”式的故事,发生在这个廉价的公寓区。
  • A comedy centered around three people who each have a lookalike of a lookalike, all with the same name.@nk2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.molikan.com&link2key=b2ffc2d392 target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.molikan.com</a>
  • JR(布兰顿·思怀兹 Brenton Thwaites 饰)是一个整日里游手好闲,不务正业的小混混,因为偷窃,他被抓进了监狱,该监狱位于澳大利亚西部,是当地臭名昭著的恶棍聚集地。在监狱里,JR的人生走向了他未曾设想过的道路,遭到了其他囚犯狂风暴雨般的摧残和虐待,直到大佬林奇(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)实在是看不下去,挺身而出,将J…