搜索 Eileen

  • Leigh VanVoreen had to escape from Farthinggale Manor and the secrets she harbored. She fell into the arms of Luke Casteel, whose devotion promised her hope. Only Luke knew her deepest secret. Bravely she bore the local folks' suspicions as she grasped for the happiness that had long eluded her, awaiting the birth of h…
  •   It follows a widow who struggles keeping the local vineyard and raising two young boys. She may be in store for a Christmas miracle when she falls for a big city playboy who is sent to get intel on a prospective vineyard for sale.
  • 阿历克斯(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller饰)和南希(德鲁·巴里摩尔 Drew Barrymore饰)这对夫妻搬进了一桩双层公寓。这个公寓虽然是装修古旧了些,却是一个美妙的生活居所。唯一的糟糕事情是,公寓的二楼住着一个叫康奈利太太(艾玲·伊丝儿Eileen Essel 饰)。这个年近一百岁的老人,竟然给这对夫妻带来了灾难性的麻烦。
  •   1983年,某学校的女子联谊会。凯蒂•罗斯(Kate McNeil 饰)等一众青春女孩即将毕业,她们和宿舍的管理员斯雷特夫人(Lois Kelso Hunt 饰)夫人的关系不是很好。借此机会,她们决定戏弄一下这个古怪的老太婆,然而却无意中将其杀害。女孩们并未选择报警,在维姬(Eileen Davidson 饰)的提议下,她们将斯雷特夫人的尸体沉入游泳池池底。  …
  •   2020年,伊利亚作为世界上最大的机器人公司VA企业的首席执行官,推出了最强大的发明-克洛诺斯,一台超级计算机,用以结束所有战争。克洛诺斯一上线时,便消灭了全世界人类"感染"。97年后,安德鲁和卡丽雅,发誓要找到最后的人类净土-极光之城...
  •   A filmmaker discovers a box of video tapes depicting two students' disturbing film project featuring a local horror legend, The Peeping Tom. As he sets out to prove this story is real and release it as a work of his own, he loses himself…
  •   凯瑞安(安妮特·贝宁 Annette Bening 饰)年仅十四岁就怀孕生子,之后,年少无知的她放弃了孩子的抚养权,一晃眼三十多年过去,当初的那个小小婴孩在凯瑞安的心中分量却越来越重,她无时不刻不思念着她。  伊莉莎白(娜奥米·沃茨 Naomi Watts 饰)漂亮性感,辗转在不同的男人之间,如鱼得水。向往自由的她从来没有想过会让孩子牵制住自…