搜索 D

  • Teenage boy Lin Fei was unable to practice martial arts due to a defect in his meridians. After witnessing his master and his best friend died in the battle in the Black Abyss, he began to practice an ancient art of artifact refinement. He vowed to avenge them and hunt down the leader of the Black Abyss, even if it cos…
  • My master asks me to go down the mountain to the secular world. To fulfill his last wish, I get married and live with my wife's family as an appendage. People call me a loser, but who could imagine I'm an incomparable sword master? I don't care how people look at me. I'm living with my wife's family, so what? I will sh…
  • M! Countdown是韩国Mnet电视频道的一档音乐榜单节目,每周选出时下流行音乐前50名的榜单,并邀请歌手及乐队现场表演最新最流行的音乐作品。
  • M! Countdown是韩国Mnet电视频道的一档音乐榜单节目,每周选出时下流行音乐前50名的榜单,并邀请歌手及乐队现场表演最新最流行的音乐作品。
  • 《Dancing 9》是韩国Mnet电视台的推出的韩国国内首个舞蹈真人秀节目,节目中不限制舞种、年龄、国籍,由导师将参赛选手分成“RED WINGS”与“BLUE EYE”两队,在共9个关卡中展开多种形式的对决与较量。
  • 到底是什么样的原因造成了剩男剩女这一社会现象?他们又是如何在社会和家庭的重重压力下突出重围?是什么样的状况造成了一个又一个相亲故事?该剧能让所有的人在其中找到共鸣!
  • 二十世纪二十年代初,乱世中少年沈其南一家忽遭飞来横祸。父亲因无意间卷入走私阴谋而被杀害,母亲在逃亡中蒙难,兄妹四人历经艰险逃到上海却不幸离散。多年后,长大成人的兄妹四人在经过一番遭际之后重逢。时逢乱世,内忧外患,在绝望中经历层层考验的沈其南逐渐成长起来,在爱和信仰的影响下,成为有名的建造师。