搜索 Castel

  • It's the second semester of Junior year, and Gossip Girl is leaving no stone unturned in her effort to control the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite. She's learned a thing or two from her first go-round - namely what her audience wants, they shall get. It's time for her to turn the heat up on what's been simmering.…
  •   Heather, an outcast teenage goalie in a small northern town, falls for newcomer Jonny, an alluring but tormented figure skater. As their relationship deepens, Heather’s growing desires clash with her darkest secret, forcing her to contro…
  • "Jellicle" cats join for a Jellicle ball where they rejoice with their leader, Old Deuteronomy. One cat will be chosen to go to the "Heavyside layer" and be reborn. The cats introduce themselves.</p>
  • Thomas因年幼时父母被暴徒杀害而心灵受创,他父亲生前的朋友Joe收养了他,视其如儿子般把他养大。有一天Joe突然神秘地提出要让Thomas去威尼斯他父亲生前的另一个朋友有黑手党背景的Nicola开的酒店(Hotel Laguna)学习经营管理。Nicola热情地接待了Thomas,但是Nicola美丽的妻子Thelma却对Thomas很冷淡。其实Thelma冷淡的外表下包…
  •   作为一名小有成就的播客,达米安·博斯特很享受自己的单身生活。直到一个固定炮友向他表达了自己的爱意,并发出了最后通牒。如果他在与她妈妈的早午餐上现身,她将明白他对这段感情是认真的。如果他不出现,两人将分道扬镳。达米安陷入了恐惧和困惑,但他必须抑制住逃离自己最害怕的事的冲动。
  • Family court judge Clémence lives with Gabriel, who she is very much in love with. However, she is jealous and suspects him of cheating on her. One day, she decides to put his faithfulness to the test during a trip to the Reunion.</p>…
  •   Delphine Lamarre (Mylène St-Sauveur) is twenty years old. She has to make a choice between living her dream as a profesional dancer or taking the path imposed by her parents, which means studying medecine. However, her encounter with Ma…
  • 这部体现人物性格两重性的影片并没有完整的情结,其灵感来源是陀斯妥耶夫斯基小说《两种人格》它叙述了一个人和他镜中自我的双重关系,戏剧理论教授雅各布生活在一个满是书堆的屋子,他喜欢愤世嫉俗,情绪不稳定,整天想入非非做白日梦,电影描绘了一次想象中和叫克拉拉的女孩交往的过程,在这个过程里他犹如分身术一样不断变换自己的角色定位,…
  • 告别了青春时代作为私家侦探的冲动与飞扬,美丽的维罗妮卡·玛斯(克里斯汀·贝尔 Kristen Bell 饰)如今已完成大学学业,考取了律师资格证书,准备准备在繁华都市纽约大展才华。而就在此关键时刻,她得知流行歌手——也是她的高中同学——邦妮·德维尔的死讯,而多年未见的罗根·埃克斯(杰森·多灵 Jason Dohring 饰)竟然作为邦妮的男友有着…
  • 2019 年,马德里市(马德里,西班牙的中心和该国的首都)。玛丽娜是一个无法相信爱情的女人,因为她的父亲在她小时候对母亲卢尔德不忠,但她在自己的公司中与她的密友艾琳和自己的卢尔德一起作为一名成功的婚礼策划师工作。在他们的最后一份工作中,玛丽娜偶然遇到了受邀者之一卡洛斯。一起喝酒,两人之间点燃了火焰,他们做爱,因为他们认为他…