搜索 Carsten

  • 塞缪尔(汉斯·齐施勒 Hanns Zischler 饰)和科拉(西比勒·卡诺尼卡 Sibylle Canonica 饰)结婚多年,两人共同抚养着九岁的儿子尼古拉斯(Finn Kirschner 饰),日子在日复一日的平静之中缓慢的流逝着。然而一场噩梦突然降临到了这个家庭的头上,一天,尼古拉斯失踪了。
  • Germany 1939. The farmer Jonathan Friedberg with the Nazis tried to makea pact to see his family again deported. 75 years later. Jennifer is ayoung psychology student, and is in a wheelchair because she had anaccident years ago. She is working on a study for the university andasked about this in a village at random peo…
  • 一位天真的科学家索尼娅在离开她的象牙塔之后,卷入了一场国际黑帮团伙与跨国能源企业的激烈交锋中,她在加拿大荒野地带进行秘密研究。与两位被贬谪的警察一起,她破坏了一场全球性的阴谋。然而,索尼娅的好奇心是要付出代价的。她失去了一切,并不得不决定是要逃跑还是要躲起来,或者去报复那个看似不可战胜的对手.