搜索 Black

  • 在《周刊少年 Jump》(集英社)上连载的人气漫画《黑色五叶草》销量超过 1700 万册,现在将迎来电影版首秀!片名为《黑色五叶草:魔法帝之剑》,将于 2023 年 3 月 31 日在 Netflix 上面向全球首播。
  • 嘴强废柴泰迪最擅长的事情就是搞砸一切,他想要给妻子制造生日惊喜,却阴差阳错误入黑帮犯罪现场,被当成了让人闻风丧胆的冷面杀手“多伦多来的男人”。为了活命,泰迪无奈将错就错,假扮杀手执行任务。而真正的冷面杀手只能和泰迪临时组队,开启狐假虎威、啼笑皆非的任务模式。两人笑料百出,危险重重的亡命囧途就此开始。
  • 改编自漫画家中村光的同名新作,原著根据传说中红色圣诞老人给好孩子送想要的礼物,黑色圣诞老人给坏孩子送不想要的礼物改编,讲述废柴男在黑色圣诞老人公司的奇妙故事。吉泽亮饰演考试失败、就业失败、没有女朋友但是在圣诞世界却十分活跃的主人公日野三春。桥本环奈在片中饰演日野三春的同事北条志乃,仲春大志饰演日野三春在便利店打工时的死…
  •   一起触目惊心的命案,隐藏着不可告人的罪恶交易。一个利欲熏心的疯狂计划,揭开幕后黑手的神秘面纱……  宁海市发生了一起重大的中毒死亡命案,付市长亲临案发现场,并命令公安机关迅速立案侦查。队长宁博奉命对这起中毒命案展开调查。种种迹象证明这起案件与一个叫程江(孙红雷饰)的人有重大关联。程江为了掩盖事实真相,通过威逼利诱等…
  •   A young vampire joins an unlikely ally to hunt prey during the coronavirus quarantine.
  •   本剧由《黑镜》导演Owen Harris执导多集,Damon和《生活大爆炸》制片人Tara Hernandez合作开发 具体情节尚在保密中。据悉整部剧集将会建立在一个一切决定由算法计算得出的世界里,每一季都将针对两个对立的话题进行探讨,首季将是一场关于信仰与科技对立的探索。  按照《布里奇顿》、《艾米丽在巴黎》等剧集新季开播前的“给观众的一封信…
  •   My Kind of Country is a fresh take on a competition series, breaking down barriers in country music by providing an extraordinary opportunity to diverse and innovative artists from around the world. Scouts Allen, Guyton and Peck each han…
  •   A filmmaker decides to turn the camera back on and returns to his investigation of the Blackwell Ghost in this sequel documentary. After being provided with new information from someone who knew Mrs. Blackwell personally, the filmmaker b…
  •   A filmmaker tries to prove that ghosts are real but soon regrets his intentions after he finds himself being terrorized in a haunted house by a ghost with a dark past. An authentic documentary that shows actual ghost footage that was cap…
  •   A filmmaker attempts to continue his paranormal adventure but finds himself stalked and tormented by a dangerous person who follows his every move.