搜索 An

  • After Robert, a marrying-up groom, accidentally shoots his fiances Maid of Honor in the face during a drunken skeet-shooting session, his meddling mother does whatever it takes to ensure the wedding takes place.
  • 主要讲述了未来世界人与机械武器之间的爱恨情仇。
  • 《晚安巷鬼影》是一部由丹妮尔·哈丽丝(《麻烦的真相》)与莱西·沙伯特携手主演的恐怖片。影片里的男主角比利·赞恩被好莱坞影人形容为外形神似“年轻的马龙·白兰度”,并在影片《泰坦尼克号》中饰演女主人公罗丝的未婚夫,而被广大观众熟知。
  • 1959年,九名俄罗斯登山爱好者在乌拉尔山脉附近失踪,当他们再次被人发现时却早已死亡,死前仿佛受到巨大的惊吓以及非人力的强大外力的袭击,这就是著名的迪亚特洛夫山径事件,时至今日仍然是一个未解之谜。远在美国俄勒冈州的女大学生霍莉·金(Holly Goss 饰)对该事件深深着迷,在获得基金支持后,她联系到电影系学生詹森·戴伊(Matt …
  • Last year, a group of filmmakers set out to investigate 13 of the most haunted locations in Georgia in order to gather footage of the supernatural for use in their next horror film. They would never return... What they unleashed was the evil that lies deep within an ancient site of unholy terror ever-looking for a way …
  • A thousand years ago the world completely collapsed. War, famine, and greed killed off the human race. Not much remains except for the mutants, scum, and robo-people. Humanity is a long-lost notion. Everyone must kill to survive. Even Santa.
  • 为了能够发现超自然力量的存在,五名电影学院的学生打算从传奇皇后医院里着手。但是随着太阳的落山,他们经历了他们无法想象的糟糕事情,他们发现自己被一群嗜血疯人追杀…….
  • Janey(Chelsea Jenish 饰)因为袭击拒捕而被法官认定为有罪,因此她被送到了一个叫做“静居”的地方代替监狱。但是,这个地方有一个规矩:任何人都不准说话!在“静居”的每个人都不敢说话,他们知道违背准则会付出怎样的代价。Janey能适应这里吗?她的命运又会变得怎样?
  • 独自一个人花一个晚上在一个闹鬼的剧院的大量现金奖。他会活到早上吗?